Adding TFS ID Custom Field in JIRA

In TFS ID custom field configuration menu correct screen should be selected. This should be exactly the same screen that is used in synchronized Jira project for Create Issue operation. Most commonly this is Default Screen, but on many Jira instances this screen can be different. If the correct screen is not selected then synchronization will end up in a following error:

Field 'customfield_xxxxx' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown.

Validating the TFS ID custom field configuration

To ensure that the TFS ID custom field is configured properly follow the instructions below:

  1. Log in to Jira using the same account which you used while creating your Synchronization Profile Configuration
  2. Click the Create button:

  3.  Click Configure Fields -> Where is my field and type the TFS ID custom field name. In case of any configuration problems if will show available ways to fix them.