Find your base URL on Jira Cloud

This page helps you determine your Jira Cloud instance’s Atlassian domain-based URL using your custom domain name. This information is only necessary if you have a custom domain configured on your instance. Custom domains for the purpose of this page is any URL on Jira Cloud that doesn’t end in

When a TFS4JIRA field requires a link to Jira, it's recommended that you provide your Jira Cloud instance’s Atlassian domain-based URL rather than the custom domain URL that normally appears in your browser address field to ensure that API calls are handled properly.

Locate your Jira Cloud baseURL

  1. Go to https://<your_custom_domain_url>/rest/api/3/serverInfo, where <your_custom_domain_url> is the url normally visible on your browser. You’ll receive a response similar to the following:

    { "baseUrl": "<base_url_name", "displayUrl": "<custom_domain_url_name>", "displayUrlServicedeskHelpCenter": "<d_url_service_desk_name>", "version": "1001", "versionNumbers": [1001, 0, 0], "deploymentType": "Cloud", "buildNumber": 100255, "buildDate": "2024-06-19T22:26:47.000+0200", "scmInfo": "<info_number>", "serverTitle": "Jira", "defaultLocale": { "locale": "en_US" }, "serverTimeZone": "Etc/UTC" }
  2. Locate baseUrl in the response. Provide this URL, rather than the custom domain URL for fields that request a link to Jira.