Sorting with Advanced Table Viewer macro [Beta] - cloud
The Advanced Table Viewer BETA macro enables the sorting of column values on the Confluence page, allowing you to organize table data efficiently.
Sorting is available in both the Edit and View mode of the Confluence page.
To sort a column, click its header. Each click switches between ascending and descending order.
The sorting configuration set in edit mode on the Confluence page is saved as the default.
Each time the Confluence page is refreshed, the table will load with this predefined sorting of edit mode.
When you click a column header, sorting is applied, and the sort icon is displayed:
You can click the specific column header to switch between ascending and descending order.
The table row data is displayed based on the column sorted.
Ascending order (
): If the column values are sorted in ascending order.
Descending order (
): If the column values are sorted in descending order.
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