Supplier Keychains

Supplier Keychains


Suppliers allow you to retrieve values about various objects by using a "prefix:key" syntax. For example

  • content:creator

This supplier retrieves the creator for the supplier object - a specific piece of content.

Suppliers include one or keys separated by a “>” operator. This is a more complex key chain and can be used to retrieve specific information from the supplier object. For example

  • content:creator>user:username

This supplier keychain retrieves the “username for the user” who is the “creator of a specific piece of content”.

Typically, suppliers are used in the background by other macros. In particular, the macros in unnamed link make extensive use of them.

Supplier keychain in use

For example, on any given page, you can do this using the Report Info macro using the following

  • page:title

This uses the Page Supplier

It retrieves the title parameter, that returns the name of the current page

However, you can then use that value to return something else.

For example, if you wanted to know the number of characters in the page title, you can do the following

  • page:title>text:length

In this case, the page: prefix belongs to the Page Supplier

  • title key that returns a text value, which is supported by the Text Supplier

The Text Supplier has a key value

  • length - that returns the number of characters in the text value

This can be done indefinitely, chaining one value to the next.

In some cases the keychain may include the following syntax - %key:value% - these are injected parameters from a macro.

See also


Reporting app documentation