How to do SQL database operations on lists of data
This is a example of using advanced run macro techniques combined with the SQL for Confluence to provide some useful database operations through a Confluence page.
Required Plugins
- Run Self-Service Reports for Confluence
- SQL for Confluence
- Adaptavist Content Formatting Macros - to improve the look of the table
- Copy the example marco to a new page - use Insert -> Wiki Markup
- Recommend using Wiki Markup for Confluence to preserve the wiki markup for easier debugging and maintenance.
- Update the sql usage to match your database environment
- The example is tested with PostgreSQL and uses the || for string concatenation.
- Generate the test database using the recreate example
- Comment out the drop the first time this is run
- Experiment with the capabilities
Example page markup
{section} {column} h3. List {run-now:id=selection|replace=hideEdit:true::hidden,hideInsert:true::hidden} {sql-query:dataSource=testDS|output=wiki} select id, first || ' ' || last as "Name", extension as "Extension", '{run:id=e' || id || '|buttonPadding=0' || '|keepRequestParameters=true' || '|anchor=edit' || '|titleRun=Edit}' || '{extract-link:redirect=true}' || '$page_url' || '?run_selection=run&run_edit_first={url-encode}' || first || '{url-encode}' || '&run_edit_last={url-encode}' || last || '{url-encode}' || '&run_edit_extension=' || extension || '&run_edit_id=' || id || '&run_selection_hideEdit=false' || '#$page_anchor_e' || id || '{extract-link}' || '{run}' || '{run:id=d' || id || '|buttonPadding=0' || '|titleRun=Delete}' || '{sql:dataSource=testDS}' || 'delete from example where id = ' || id || '{sql}' || '{extract-link:redirect=true}' || '$page_url?&run_selection=run' || '{extract-link}' || '{run}' as "Actions" from example order by id {sql-query} {run-now} {anchor:edit} h3. Edit {run:id=edit|hideColumnHeadings=true|keepRequestParameters=true|replace= g1::Edit:group, id:::hidden, first::first, last::last, extension::extension:integer-select:1200:1299 |titleRun=Change} {sql:dataSource=testDS|p1=$first|p2=$last} update example set first = ?, last = ?, extension = $extension where id = $id {sql} {extract-link:redirect=true} $page_url?run_selection=run {extract-link} {run} h3. Insert {run:id=insert|hideColumnHeadings=true|replace= g1::Insert:group, first::first, last::last, extension::extension:integer-select:1200:1299 |titleRun=Insert} {sql:datasource=testDS|p1=$first|p2=$last} insert into example (first, last, extension) values(?, ?, $extension) {sql} {extract-link:redirect=true} $page_url {extract-link} {run} {column} {column} h3. Display {sql-query:dataSource=testDS} select * from example order by id{sql-query} h3. Recreate example table {run:id=create|titleRun=Recreate} {sql:datasource=testDS|output=wiki|showSql=true} drop table if exists example; create table example ( id serial not NULL, first text default NULL, last text default NULL, extension int default NULL ); insert into example (first, last, extension) values('Bob', 'Jones', 1234); insert into example (first, last, extension) values('Jane', 'Doe', 1283); insert into example (first, last, extension) values('Bill', 'O''Mally', 1289); insert into example (first, last, extension) values('Billy Joe', 'Higgins-Smith', 1281); insert into example (first, last, extension) values('Karen', 'Cole III', 1280); {sql} {extract-link:redirect=true} $page_url {extract-link} {run} {column} {section}