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Tempo Command Line Interface (CLI)
Bitbucket Command Line Interface (CLI)
Create on Transition for JIRA (CSOT)
How to create a sub-task based on custom field value using Create on Transition app
How to create an Epic and Story and link them using Create on Transition
How to prevent creation of subtask with summary that already exists using the Create on Transition for Jira app
How to create subtask for each fixed version based on the parent ticket using Create on Transition Cloud app.
How to automate sub-task creation through labels by using Create on Transition
How to resolve the "Remote error: reporter: Field 'reporter' cannot be set" error in Create on Transition
How to create an issue in different projects using Create On Transition for Jira
Adding comma separated conditions to transitions in the Create on Transition app
How to condition issue creation
Create a linked issue in another project only if one doesn't already exist - 7.x
Create and link issue on exact summary match - 7.x
Create an issue using a condition with multiple custom field values
Create issue if transitioned by specific user - 7.x
Create multiple issues for each fix version - 7.x
Create sub-task for specific issue type - 7.x
How to add number list to a multi-line text field in post function using Create on Transition app
How to create multiple issues based on the project role using Create on Transition for Jira
How do permissions affect create on transition functions?
How to add condition to a blank or empty field
How to condition the creation of issues
How to condition with multi-value fields
How to copy a custom field value to another field
How to copy attachments to a newly created issue
How to create multiple issues
How to create multiple issues - advanced example
How to create subtasks on initial issue create
How to debug condition configurations
How to find where COT functions are used
How to link issues on transition
How to migrate to version 2.x
How to prevent duplicate issue creation
How to restrict auto creation of duplicate issues when an issue is reopened
How to use pattern matching conditioning
How to use pattern substitutions for string manipulation
Link newly created issues on transition - 7.x
Pattern match condition
Create a value map using the cascade select configuration
Create multiple issues - 7.x
Substitution Variables - 7.x
Create multiple tasks or subtasks based on the number of custom field values selected
How to get problem determination information - CSOT
How to copy two custom fields with same names during workflow transition using COT
How to create new issues for newly selected custom field value during repetitive transitions
Can the issue numbers be retained while cloning?
How to create sub-task when the parent issue is not having any
Issues created using 'Create on Transition' do not copy Assignee or Reporter
How to set custom field values of parent issue in Summary field of a subtask using Create on Transition
How to create multiple sub-tasks and set respective assignees
How to create sub-tasks based on multiple choice custom field values
How to add a line break in a custom field
Create sub-task based on components selected and assign them to respective component lead
How to get usage information about Create on Transition app
How to create issues or sub-tasks based on the component value
How to get the original issue value using substitution variables with the Create on Transition for Jira app
How to create user permissions
How to copy a custom field value to another field - 7.x
How to set third party app's custom fields while creating multiple issues
How to store the original reporter in user picker custom field using Create on Transition
How are error messages generated during workflow transitions
How to fill Due Date field with a custom field value using the Create on Transition app
How to create multiple issues based on the number in a custom field
How to block creation of sub-tasks for an issue with child sub-tasks
How to retrieve problem determination information - 7.3 and above
Unable to copy a custom field value during issue transition
How to use Jira expression in the validator for a custom field using Create on Transition in Jira Cloud
How to resolve the Reporter: Anonymous user error while creating issues in child project
How to automatically assign an issue to project lead using Create on Transition app