How to get all the components list using Jira Command Line Interface (CLI)

This article explains how to get the list of Jira project components using the Jira Command Line Interface (CLI) app.


Use getComponentList action to retrieve the list of components defined for a project.

Option # 1:

  • Execute this CLI command to get the list of components displayed on the terminal/command prompt.

    --action getComponentList --project "learn1" --outputFormat 999

    Here are the parameters used in the command:

    • project: Specify the name of the project. 

    • outputFormat: Specify one of these values to get the respective data. 

      • 1 - Basic details.
      • 2 - With project.
      • 999 - All.

Option # 2:

  • Execute this CLI command to get the list of components in the CSV file.

    --action getComponentList --project "learn1" --file "list.csv" --outputFormat 999

  • file: Specify the name of the CSV file.

The output file from the above command is similar to the below-mentioned screenshot: 

If the --outputFormat is 1 then the results will be as shown below:

If the  --outputFormat is 2 then the results will be as shown below:

If the  --outputFormat is 999 then the results will be as shown below: