Restrict an announcement to be viewed only once for a user using Announcer for Bitbucket

This article navigates through the steps to restrict a Bitbucket announcement to be viewed only once for a given user, irrespective of the number of times the user logs into the Bitbucket instance.


  1. Log into Bitbucket as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Cog wheel () > Manage apps.
  3. Select Announcements under the ANNOUNCER FOR BITBUCKET section from the sidebar on the left.
  4. Go to the intended announcement under Active Notifications in the Announcer Configuration page.
  5. Click Edit icon  to see the announcement editor.
  6. Click Show advanced options.
  7. Deselect the checkbox: Show announcement upon every login as shown below.

  8. Save the announcement and log out from Bitbucket instance.
  9. Log into the Bitbucket instance as the targeted user to see the announcement.
  10. Click Dismiss to dismiss the announcement.
  11. Log out and log into Bitbucket again to make sure the announcement is not displayed again as per the configuration.