CMJ Integrity Check reports Service desk related errors such as Screen 'JIRA Service Desk Pending Reason screen' has duplicates


During an integrity check or when creating a snapshot CMJ reports a lot of errors such as "Screen 'JIRA Service Desk Pending Reason screen' has duplicates".


This is a known issue in JIRA when creating a JSD project, which is not addressed yet. You can vote for it here:

In brief, using the JSD project templates creates screens with duplicate names, which is not allowed in Jira's UI.


Normally to fix these you'd go to the Screens page in Jira and rename/remove the duplicates.

Alternatively, rename the duplicate screens through the database (by appending the screen id). Only use this in testing instances, or after a db backup!

SELECT * FROM FIELDSCREEN where name like 'JIRA Service Desk Pending Reason screen%'

update FIELDSCREEN set name = CONCAT(name, id) where name = 'JIRA Service Desk Pending Reason screen';
update FIELDSCREEN set name = CONCAT(name, id) where name = 'JIRA Service Desk Resolve Issue Screen' 
update FIELDSCREEN set name = CONCAT(name, id) where name = 'Workflow Screen'