KB : Connect to Jira H2 Database using a multi-platform database tool (example for DBeaver)


This page describes the way how to configure and connect to the Jira database using an external multi-platform database tool that will help to display the database schema.

This particular runbook is related to the Linux version running on ARM processor. Windows steps might be similar and relatively easier to perform.


Localhost version of Jira Server with sample data (can be hosted under Windows or Linux machine)


1. Download DBbeaver

DBeaver version for MacOS X is also available, so it can be used for remote connections

Navigate to https://dbeaver.io/download/ in order to download the latest version of the DBeaver client.

Select Linux ARM (zip without Java included) package and download it.

Move beaver to our local directory and extract it using tar:

root@ubuntu-linux-20-04-desktop:/home/parallels# mv dbeaver-ce-22.1.0-linux.gtk.aarch64-nojdk.tar.gz /home/parallels/ root@ubuntu-linux-20-04-desktop:/home/parallels# tar -zxvf dbeaver-ce-22.1.0-linux.gtk.aarch64-nojdk.tar.gz

2. Run DBbeaver

Execute the ./dbeaver executable file like the following:

root@ubuntu-linux-20-04-desktop:/home/parallels/dbeaver# ./dbeaver > Start DBeaver Standalone [org.jkiss.dbeaver.ui.app.standalone] > Start Eclipse IDE UI Application [org.eclipse.ui.ide.application 1.4.300.v20220114-0859] > Start Eclipse Jobs Mechanism [org.eclipse.core.jobs 3.12.100.v20220120-1329] > Start Eclipse IDE UI [org.eclipse.ui.ide 3.18.500.v20220215-1304] ... > Start DBeaver Tip of the day [org.jkiss.dbeaver.ext.ui.tipoftheday] 2022-06-23 12:18:37.427 - Open [https://dbeaver.io/product/version.xml] > Start DBeaver UI Editors - Connections [org.jkiss.dbeaver.ui.editors.connection]

The following window should appear:

3. Configure H2 Driver

Select Database and next Driver Manager

Type H2 in the search bar and find all H2 drivers:

Edit the H2 Embedded and Download/Upgrade libraries:

Repeat it also for H2 Embedded V.2 and H2 Server

4. Setup DB connection

Obtain the variables from Jira configuration System => System info:

Please note that the database driver points to particular H2 driver that has to be user in order to connect into DB - in this case it is v1.x

Create New Connection from JDBC URL

Copy&Paste Database URL and select H2 Embedded (dedicated for 1.4.200) and click Proceed

Type the Authentication details:

Username: sa Password: <leave blank>

5. Connect to DB

Select Connect from the context menu and connect to DB schema

DB schema should appear as the following: