How to show Azure DevOps markdown content with Markdown for Confluence app

This article explains how one can show the markdown content of Azure DevOps on the Confluence page using the Markdown for Confluence app.


  1. Navigate to CONFLUENCE ADMINISTRATION > General Configuration > BOB SWIFT CONFIGURATION > Markdown > Profiles.

  2. Click Add Profile.

  3. Enter your Profile name in the text box and select the URL from the options in Profile type

  4. Enter the URL of the markdown file in the below format in the URL text box.{organization}/{project}/_apis/git/repositories/{repositoryId}/items?path={path}&api-version=7.1-preview.1


  5. Enter username and password. Now, click Save Profile to create a Profile.

  6. In the Confluence page, insert Markdown from a URL macro. select your <Profile Name> from the Profile list

  7. Click Save and publish the page to see the content.

  • You need administrator access to create a profile.