Workaround to use live fields in Jira work log screen using Power Scripts

The live fields are not applied to the Jira native Log Work screen. This article provides a workaround to use Live Fields in the Jira work log screen using the lfExecuteJS() function and jQuery.

Workaround Steps

  1. Live Fields Main Script:

    Here's an example of how the main script might look:

  2. Creating JavaScript Logic:

    Create a JavaScript file named javascript.js containing the following code. This code utilizes jQuery to modify the behavior of elements on the Log Work screen:

    $(document).on('DOMNodeInserted', function(e) { if ( == "log-work-dialog") { setTimeout(function() { AJS.$("#log-work-submit").prop("disabled", true); }, 1000); } });

    The JavaScript code listens for inserted elements in the DOM and targets the "log-work-dialog" element. It then turns off the "log-work-submit" button after a one-second delay.

Additional Resources