How to use captions

In this article, you’ll find information on how to use caption within Image Slider for Confluence macros.


On how to display the caption or link or caption and link on an image:

  1. Make sure you have the attachments linked to the current page or any page within a space in your instance.

  2. Navigate to that page and click (…) → Attachments and you land on the Attachments page, as shown below.

  3. Then click on Properties and add the comment in this format: name | https:somelink and Save. You can also add labels (but it is optional).


  4. Then navigate to the page where the Image Slider macro is inserted and go Edit it. Go to Select Images, pick the image you want to add and click Close.
    In the Menu go to “Use attachment comments as” option and select between Caption, Link, or Caption and Link as highlighted.


  5. In the preview, the screenshot above, you will be able to see the Caption and Link. Save it by clicking Apply. You will see the actual image on the page.


Note: Attachment labels are useful when you would like to filter the attachments using specific labels. The labels can be found in the first screenshot.