How to retrieve debug logs for Appfire's Jira apps

How to retrieve debug logs for Appfire's Jira apps

This article outlines the steps for generating a support.zip file that captures issues related to a specific app and uses the app's package name.


First, the logger must be configured to monitor the required package. After recreating the issue, a support.zip file can then be created and downloaded for further analysis.

Configure the Logger

  1. Log in to your Jira instance as an administrator and navigate to image-20241217-165224.png > System > Logging and Profiling.

    Navigate to the Logging and Profiling tab.
  2. Click the Configure link in the Default Loggers section:

    In the Default Loggers section, click Configure.
  3. In Add New Entry:

    1. Locate the app causing the issue and its package name in the following table.

App Name

Class/Package Name

App Name

Class/Package Name

Database Exporter for Jira Cloud


Power BI Jira Connector


Reports and Timesheets for Jira


Roll-up Reports for Jira


Tableau Connector Pro for Jira


Timesheets for Jira


Issue History Collector - See History


Power Dashboards Reports & Gadgets


Dashboard Hub Pro - Charts, Reports, Time in Status, Tables


Dataplane Reports for Jira


Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards


b. Set the Logging Level to DEBUG.

c. Click Add Entry and enter the package name identified from the table above. For example:

The added packages are now visible.

  1. Repeat the steps causing the issue in the app, and the debug file will be saved to the package.

  2. Use the steps in the following section to generate a support.zip file.

Generate a support zip file

  1. Log in to the Jira instance as an administrator and navigate to image-20241217-165542.png  > System > Troubleshooting and support tools.

  1. Go to the Create support zip tab and click Create zip.

  2. After the support.zip file is generated, click Download zip.

You can now share the .zip file with our Support team or use the information logged in the .zip file to solve the issue. 

  • Logging occurs immediately but lasts only until Jira is restarted.

  • After triaging your issues, remove the package entry.