How to retrieve debug logs for Appfire's Confluence apps
This article outlines the required steps for generating a support .zip file that captures issues related to a specific app and uses the app's package name.
Log into your Confluence instance as an administrator and navigate to Settings > General Configuration.
Under Administration, select Logging and Profiling.
In Add New Entry:
Locate the app and its package name in the following table.
App Name | Class/Package Name |
LaTeX Math | com.tensixtwo.conf.latexmath |
Numbered Headings | nl.avisi.confluence.plugins.numberedheadings |
Copy Page Tree | com.nurago.confluence.plugins.treecopy |
Source Editor for Confluence | com.mohamicorp.html.source.editor.for.confluence |
Image Slider for Confluence | com.simplenia.confluence.plugins.imageslider |
News Teaser for Confluence | com.simplenia.confluence.plugins.newsteaser |
Numbered Captions | com.tensixtwo.conf.numcapt |
Easy Numbered Headings | com.bolo.conf.numhead |
MultiExcerpt | biz.artemissoftware.confluence.multiexcerpt.MultiExcerptMacro |
HTML for Confluence | org.swift.confluence.html |
Markdown for Confluence | org.swift.confluence.markdown |
Polls for Confluence | com.simplenia.confluence.plugins.polls |
Graphviz Diagrams for Confluence | com.atlassian.confluence.extra.graphviz |
Github Macros for Confluence | com.mohamicorp.confluence.macro.github.mohamicorp-github-macros |
Cache for Confluence | org.swift.confluence.cache |
Secure Content for Confluence | |
Visio for Confluence | org.swift.confluence.visio |
Easy Forms for Confluence | net.artemissoftware.confluence.easyforms.EasyForms |
Survey and Vote Macros | com.nearinfinity.confluence.survey-plugin |
Flow Board | net.artemissoftware.confluence.flowboard.FlowBoard |
Advance Tables for Confluence | org.swift.confluence.table |
SQL for Confluence (Pro Edition) | org.swift.confluence.sql |
b. Select New Level as DEBUG.
c. Click Add Entry and enter the package name identified from the table above. For example:
The added packages are now visible.
Repeat the steps causing the issue in the app, and the debug file will be saved to the package.
Use the steps in the following section to generate a support .zip file.
Steps to generate a support .zip file
Log into the Confluence instance as an administrator and navigate to Settings > General Configuration > Troubleshooting and support tools.
Select the Create support zip tab and click Create zip.
Once the support .zip file is generated, click Download zip:
Share the .zip file with the support team.
Logging to the package file begins immediately, but only lasts until Confluence is restarted.
After downloading the support .zip file, remove the package file debug entry.