What will happen if I move from paid Full Flow Board to Free Lite Flow Board?

How do I get the Free Lite Version?

From either a trial version or a paid version all you need to do is wait for the time on the license to expire and it will automatically move you to the Lite version

If you have the most current version of the App and you do not renew your license the following will occur:

  • loose features for new boards and cards

    • only able to have 3 lists per board

    • due dates

    • checklists

    • add a theme to a card

    • templates

    • formatting in the description

    • and many others

  • What will happen to my boards that are already existing

    • You will not lose any data

    • You will only be able to see the first three lists on any board

      • You will not lose the data on those lists just their visibility

    • can’t see checklists

    • Due dates will no longer be visible

    • Checklists will no longer be visible

    • themes will remain but you can’t change it

    • templates will no longer be visible

    • formating on the description will remain but you can’t make new changes

  • If you update the license all of the above features will return and all items will then be visable

  • We do not intend for you to ever lose any data