Flow Board 2.6

This release introduces these new features:

Card Templates and Card Copy

 Use "Make Template" on a card and then it is available as a template for creating new cards. Also, notice the new “Copy” button next to “Make a Template”. The copy button can copy a card to create a new one without specifying the original card as a template:

After you click “Make Template”:

your card is designated as a template and will show up in the “Add card from template” widget:

All card templates that are on Boards on the same page are available in the “Add card from template” widget. This is in the spirit of cooperation between Boards that are located on one page. Group Boards on a page to allow cooperation between Boards (drag and drop cards between Boards, etc.)

Search Filtering of Cards on a Board - Searches Card Titles

Additional Notification - Card Transition Between Lists

We added a notification for when a card is moved from one list to another. It is enabled when "A card is updated" notification trigger is enabled in admin tool:

Card Theme/Color

Manually Archive All Cards in a List


Related Documentation