How to format the Numeric column type

This article provides information on how to work with the Numeric column type from the macro editor. Use this column type to display a numeric value with custom formatting, for example, as a currency value

The app uses Numeral.js library to apply various formatting and language settings. Refer to this article to know more about the supported formatting options.


  1. In the relevant Confluence page, add or update the SQL Query macro. 
  2. Specify the required Data source profile, enter the SQL query in SQL statement, and click Run to view the retrieved data if the macro editor is opened for the first time, or proceed to the next step.
  3. Click the down arrow above the relevant column containing dates and click Column type > Numeric.
  4. Provide the required format tokens to change the display format of the column values. Use $ to use as currency symbol.
  5. (Optional) Provide a Language to apply locale-specific settings, or leave it blank to apply the locale from the logged in Confluence user profile.
  6. Click Apply to change the display format.

Additional references

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