Modern version of Appfire app(s) and Util Library fail to enable


You might encounter issues where Appfire app(s), such as Reporting, Scaffolding, Page Approval, Linking, or Tracking and the app family Util Library are being disabled.

Additionally, in atlassian-confluence.log, you will see the following error message.

2017-08-16 14:32:05,046 ERROR [ThreadPoolAsyncTaskExecutor::Thread 46] [atlassian.plugin.module.PrefixDelegatingModuleFactory] createModule Detected an error (NoClassDefFoundError) instantiating the module for plugin 'com.comalatech.workflow' for module 'workflowSupplier': com/servicerocket/confluence/randombits/supplier/core/annotate/AnnotatedSupplier. 2017-08-16 14:32:05,274 ERROR [ThreadPoolAsyncTaskExecutor::Thread 46] [plugin.osgi.factory.OsgiPlugin] onPluginContainerFailed Unable to start the plugin container for plugin 'com.servicerocket.confluence.plugin.servicerocket-utility-library'

When trying to enable the Appfire app(s) and the app family Util Library, the apps will fail to enable.


This issue is being caused by 3rd party apps that have a dependency on the app family Util Library.

Here are some 3rd party app which have a dependency on this Util Library.


  • uninstall the affected 3rd party app(s), Appfire app(s), and app family Utility Library

  • install the Appfire app(s) first, which will automatically installs the Utility Library

  • then, install the additional 3rd party app(s)