Use data section macros to create easily-editable sections on a page

Use data section macros to create easily-editable sections on a page


This guide will help you insert a simple form with two separate, easily editable sections. 





Data section (Beta), Text Data


Create the first data section macro

  1. Insert a Data Section macro onto your page.

  2. Add a header, Project Description, near the top of the data section.

  3. Add a Text data macro below the header and name it TextDataProjDescr.

Create the second data section macro

  1. Insert another Data Section macro.

  2. Add a title to this section - Project Team Members.

  3. Within the Data Section macro:

    1. Create a dynamic table. Click the link to know more about creating dynamic tables.

    2. Add Text Data macros within.
      Structure the macros as shown below.

  1. Save the page to continue.

Use the Edit Section buttons to enter data separately for each section

  1. Click an Edit Section button to enter data for each section.

For this example, click the Edit Section button for Project Team Members.

The editor loads and only shows the table for team members. The rest of the page is not shown.

  1. Enter the data as you normally would.

  2. Save when you are done to update with your changes.

You can still use the standard Edit Content button which loads the entire page.


Not applicable.


Note: Buttons are not functional in this sample screenshot.

