What do the publication status and notifications of the field group macro mean?

What do the publication status and notifications of the field group macro mean?


When editing the Field group macro or a Live template using Field group macro, there are different buttons and status notifications.

This FAQ details the definition of each publication status available in the Live template macro and Field group macro. 


Field group macro button, statuses and notification

Publication status

Field group macro button, statuses and notification

Publication status

Edit content

  • Click on the button to start the editing process of the live template.

  • The content that you can view has been saved from the previous editing session.


  • this notification status is shown when you start making changes on the page

  • the changes made are being actively saved as a draft

When this notification is shown, you will not be able to click the Discard draft button. 

Draft saved

  • status displayed once the changes are saved

There are new published changes

  • displayed when there are changes to field group fields, addition or removal of fields

This message is also shown if a user publishes the page while another user is currently editing the page.

Edit draft

  • displayed if you choose Close after you have changed the content of the macro

Draft loaded

  •  choose Edit draft notifies the user that the draft has been loaded

Discard draft

  • the content reverts to the original state before any editing was done


  • publishes the changes made in draft

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