Adding a dropdown list of users


Creates a dropdown that allows selection of one or more users from a specific list or group.

Adding to a page

For this example, we'll add a user list to the first empty cell in an existing table.

To add a user list to a page

  • select the location you would like to add the user list

From the Confluence top menu

  • choose + option to add content

  • select View more

In the Browse select macro popup

  • search for scaffolding

  • choose Scaffolding Field Group

The Field Group settings dialog box is displayed with the available fields below it.

In the Add Fields section

  • scroll down until you can see User List

  • Cclick-drag User List to the right, into the empty field area then release the mouse button to place the user list field

After the user list has been placed, you can configure its dropdown options.

  • select the placed user list

  • choose Field settings

    • or alternatively select the Edit button on the macro

In the expanded Field settings section, you can choose which users will be displayed.

For this example, we will only display users from the "apps-leaders" group.

After you have added one group, can still Add more groups if needed.

The other user list options are

  • Multiple - allows more than one option to be chosen from the dropdown

  • Required - mandatory fields that cannot be left blank

After you are done with the field settings

  • choose Save to continue

You can continue to edit the page, or you can choose Publish/Update to publish the page.

Accessing User Lists

Once the page is published, the user list can be accessed by selecting the Edit Content button.

The user list picker is displayed on the page

  • choose Select users

  • select a user from the dropdown

After updating

  • choose Save Changes

  • or select Cancel if you do not want to the changes

If you had enabled the Required option, you will not be able to Save Changes until you have selected a user. An example error message is shown below.

Alternatively, you can click Cancel to discard the changes.

Differences between Cloud version and Server version

The user lists for Scaffolding for Confluence Cloud are now grouped under the Scaffolding Field Group macro.

In Scaffolding for Confluence Server and Scaffolding for Confluence Data Centre, user lists are created by using the User List and User Options macros.