Install Scaffolding

Install Scaffolding


Before you get started,

  • You must be the Admin of the Confluence Cloud instance.

  • You must either be a technical or a billing contact for this instance.

To verify your Atlassian contact, log in to MyAtlassian and ensure the Confluence Cloud instance appears on the Licenses page.


To install the application,

  1. Log in to your Atlassian account and choose the Confluence icon in the top-left corner.

  2. Go to Apps > Find new apps.

  3. Search Scaffolding Forms & Templates for Confluence Cloud in the search box.


You must omit the term "Cloud" from the search to find the add-on.

  1. Select the app and click Try it for free (or Free Trial if it requires a paid license) to download and install.

If the app requires a paid license, you will be provided a 30-day free trial.
