August 4, 2021

New Gadget: Rich Filter Smart Counter

The new Rich Filter Smart Counter gadget displays aggregated issue data in a counter-type layout. Currently, the aggregation can be done by smart filters, and the results can be based on Issue Count, numeric and time-tracking fields, or custom values. In other words, the gadget computes one-dimensional statistics with a smart filter and displays the results as counts, labeled, and colored according to the smart filter configuration.

For more information about this new feature, look at the Rich Filter Smart Counter Gadget documentation page.

Examples of smart counter gadgets:

Smart counter gadget displaying the Story Points aggregated by a smart filter named High-Level Status:

Smart counter gadget displaying a custom value named Avg Time Spent (h) aggregated by a smart filter named Team. The custom value is defined as the the average time spent, displayed in hours: