Permission helper

Permission helper


This tab enables you to grant a certain permission to a user on a particular project or issue. Or if the user has that permission, it shows the permission sources. You can choose a filter criteria for the permission helper, either by project or by issue.

Note that scanning a permission by project only checks non-dynamic permission sources: direct, by group, by project role or by project lead.

The dynamic permissions (for example assignee, reporter) are only relevant in an issue context, so you can switch to this criteria and choose a particular issue for scanning.

You can check the permissions for the selected user either by using autocomplete (and in this case you will get a list of possible matches after start typing) or by using the user picker pop-up launched from the right of the input.

Click the Submit button to check permission for your criteria (project or issue) and the user. If any of the project, issue or user are invalid, an error message is displayed. If validation passes, the analysis result appears. If the user has the given permission for the given project/issue context, the permission sources are displayed. For the issue criteria, the issue security is also checked.


If the user doesn't have the given permission for the given project / issue context, all the failed permission sources are displayed. For project role or group permission sources, you can expand the result and see in what groups / project roles should the user be included to be granted the permission, as well as what other permissions he will be granted by joining that groups / roles.

Click the Suggest Families button to scan all permission families that contain the searched permission on the given issue or project. Suggested families are ordered by the number of users from the same email domain as the searched user.

Click the Show Users button to show all the family members. To add the user to any of the suggested families click the Add User button of the specific family.

Do a rescan of the user permission to see the permission that was granted to the user.

Adding the user to a suggested permissions family will remove the user from ANY other permission groups he/she belongs to.

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