Managing Families
Families are sets of users grouped by common DNA™. This means that the users in a family may have different permissions for different projects, but for each project they all have the same permissions with identical permission sources.As always, you can expand and collapse permission details per projects for easy access.
It is also possible to see the permission sources by hovering over the permission color you are interested in.
If you hover over the user names, a menu appears with detailed information about the user and other useful links.
Renaming a Family
Click family name to rename it. The name changes to a text box allowing you to change it.
You cannot have two families with the same name for the same scanning criteria.
Adding a User
You can also move users from one family to another or even add users who were not covered by the scan. To do this click the Add User button in the top-right corner of the family panel. A box appears prompting for the username you wish to add to the family.
If the user is already in a family of the same scan, he is removed from that family and added to this one.
When you choose to move a user into a family, you have to be aware that the permissions of that user will change. He have the same permissions, with identical permission sources, as the users in the family he was moved into.
Deleting Empty Families
After moving users from one family to another is possible that certain families remain without any user and you can delete them.
When a family is left with no users, the Delete Family button is displayed in the upper-right corner of the family panel. It allows you to remove it from the set.
See also