Rights DNA Documentation


Rights DNA is a tool for Jira permissions/rights / users administration. Ever wondered where permissions came from? Ever wondered who can access a certain issue? RightsDNA can answer many of your questions! 

Value proposition

  • Visualize all users having rights in a given project 
  • Visualize all projects a user is having rights in 
  • Scan the entire Jira for patterns of rights, called families 
  • Assign and manage users to / into families 
  • User management sanity checks 
  • Helper: what to do to have a certain right?


  •  Shows the permissions of a single user across the projects
  •  Shows who has permissions on a single project
  •  Group users with common permission families for better management
  •  Shows from where permission is granted (the sources of the permission)
  •  Color-coded permissions for faster browsing

 Compatibility with Jira 7.x.

The old documentation (for version 3.0) can be downloaded fromhere.