SIL Listeners

SIL Listeners

The SIL™ Listener feature enables you to execute a script when certain events are triggered.

Managing Listeners

To manage SIL™ listeners, go to Confluence Administration > Power Apps Config > Power Scripts > Listeners in POWER PLUGINS CONFIGURATION section.






Full path to the file and the user to impersonate when running the script. Click to access the file.


Events for which the listener is configured. The following events are supported:

  • Page Create

  • Page Delete

  • Page Trashed

  • Page Update

  • Page View

  • Space Create

  • Space Remove

  • Space Update


Indicates whether the execution is synchronous or asynchronous.


Possible operations to do on a listener: edit, delete, and enable/disable.

Adding a Listener

Each entry for the SIL™ Listener represents a script that will run for an event. When you add a SIL™ Listener, you need to define the following properties:

  • Events - event to react to. Required field.

  • SIL™ Script - the script to run when the event is received. Required field.

  • Run As - Confluence user to impersonate when running the script. If left empty, the script will be run by the currently logged in user. This setting might be necessary if certain scripts require more extensive permissions than those of regular users.

  • Synchronous - If selected, it's a normal listener. If not, it will be scheduled for execution on a separate thread.


  • You can add multiple listener entries for the same event.

  • You can map multiple events to the same listener.

Updating a Listener

To update a listener, click the Edit icon in the Operations column on the SIL™ Listeners page and update the fields in the pop-up window. Or click the SIL™ listener link  to edit/update the script in the SIL™ Manager page.

Deleting a Listener

To remove a SIL™ Listener, click Delete icon in the Operations column on the SIL™ Listeners page.

Enabling and Disabling a Listener

To enable/disable a listener, click the Enable/Disable icon in the Operations column on the SIL™ Listeners page. 
If a listener is disabled, a corresponding label appears next to its path.




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