Delegated Project Notifications for JIRA

What is Delegated Project Notifications for JIRA?

With Delegated Project Notifications for JIRA (formerly Project Notifications Editor for JIRA), a JIRA project administrator can branch their notification scheme at any time and edit it to fit their needs. If they want to return to the global notification scheme, it's just one simple button click in the project administration schemes.

Wittified likes to find ways to distribute the administration of Atlassian applications and this is another stellar example. Install now and start notifying the right people right away.

Who is the target audience?

This add-on is used by JIRA Project Administrators who want to easily control notifications on their projects! The JIRA administrators and the rest of the user base benefit from this capability!

Read our User Guide (Project Administrators) or our Administrator Guide (JIRA Administrators) for more information

Key Features

  • Project Administrators can create new notification schemes
  • Easily revert to global notification scheme
  • Ability to limit group size used in these new notification schemes

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