Custom Fields are not properly imported

Custom Fields are not properly imported


When creating a new project, the XML issues are not properly imported, or custom fields are not filled with their proper values.


This operation is very sensitive and requires to be very cautious in terms of configuration. There are several conditions for which custom fields are not imported, please read carefully. 

Gaia for JIRA only support JIRA native custom fields

Several custom fields are developed by third party or plugins. These custom fields are not natively supported. We do offer to analyze to support them as extra service development. Contact sales on this matter.

Make sure that your Template Configuration is valid and that you have permission on the custom field

To be able to fully import your custom fields, you must make sure these three conditions are followed:

    • The custom field shall be associated with the applicable issue type in the project you are creating
    • The custom field context is set to global
    • Associate the proper screen scheme in Gaia Template Config