Upgrading Gaia between Jira 7 and Jira 8, or to DC - troubleshooting

Upgrading Gaia between Jira 7 and Jira 8, or to DC - troubleshooting

Context and first steps

Some problems may occur while upgrading Gaia from Jira 7 to Jira 8. Some of these are listed here along with potential solutions.

First, you must uninstall Gaia and upgrade Jira 7 to Jira 8. Then you may install Gaia for Jira on the newly Jira instance.


When I go in the administration page of Gaia for Jira, I got error 404. This occurs some time when the proper database tables are not properly created. We have experienced this with MS SQL and Oracle up to now.


  1. First, check if the Gaia database tables exist:



If the tables do not exist, the whole upgrading process failed. For this we do recommend to uninstall Gaia and upgrade first to Gaia version 1.14.3. If you still don’t have any tables created, please contact or support.

2. Check if these two lines are present in the table AO_B921B2_TEMPLATE_AO





The migrated field is a flag that tells if the migration process was conducted successfully. Setting this field to false would launch the Gaia migration process at Jira startup.

3. If the record “migrated” is missing,  execute the following SQL query:

INSERT INTO `Your dataBaseName`.`ao_b921b2_gaia_config_ao` (`KEY`,`VALUE`) VALUES ("migrated",true);


4. Check if all the columns of the table AO_B921B2_GAIA_CONFIG_AO are populated as in the following file for instance. Sometimes, the tables are empty. In this case, please restart from Step 1 with the alternate version.

5. If some columns only differ (or are empty), you need :

a. to uninstall Gaia

b. empty the AO_B921B2_TEMPLATE_AO

c. download manually the Gaia JAR File (version 1.14.3)

d. install Gaia manually

e. repeat the action from 1 to 4, and try to create project

f. and then upgrade Gaia to the last version

g. repeat the action from 1 to 4, and try to create project