Create project from a template 3.5

Create project from a template 3.5

If an Administrator has given you the Create Projects permissions, you can create a new project by following these simple steps:

  1. Select Create Project From Template from the Projects menu.

  2. Select one of the templates your Administrator has made available to you and then click its corresponding Create project button. (The items you see on this screen will not necessarily be the same as what is shown below.)

  3. Provide the project details. Note that if you click Use a different avatar, a screen will be presented after you click Submit so that you can select or upload a different avatar.

  4. To return to the previous screen, click Back.

  5. If you want to abandon your request, click Cancel.

  6. When you have supplied all project details, click Submit to create the project. The project will be created and a confirmation page will appear.

  7. If the “Administer Projects” permission is not granted to the Project Lead in the Permission Scheme, the project will still be created and a confirmation page is displayed.


When a project is created using Delegated Project Creator template, it is listed in the Project Creation Report page.

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