Plan and review the Atlassian Confluence migration and the data that Confluence will migrate

This guide assumes you will migrate your Confluence Server data into Confluence Cloud, following the Atlassian Migration Assistant instructions.

The current Comala Publishing publishing status lozenge for published pages in the source space and the target space are migrated as part of the Atlassian migration

The Comala Publishing app is not migrated and must be installed in your cloud site. The server license is not transferable (although a temporary free license is available).

Be sure to check

Product Comparison for the Comala Publishing app feature set in Cloud
Cloud Roadmap to give you an overview of any critical features you might require and when they will be available

It is recommended that each space is migrated individually where a workflow has been applied in the space.

More Atlassian resources are available on the Atlassian Migrate to Confluence Cloud support page.

Use your migration as an opportunity to clean up your server instance before running your test migration. The more data you migrate, the longer and more complex your migration is likely to be, and could affect Cloud performance later on.