KIWIâ„¢ Documentation


KIWI™ is a Jira workflow deployment tool and it addresses initial configuration as well as subsequent deployments, on staging or production environments. It delivers issue statuses, custom fields, workflows, associated screens, SIL scripts and configurations on your target system, having the ability to map custom fields, change the scripts, SIL aliases and configuration so no change is needed on the deployment machine: your implementation will be ready to go with just a few clicks.


Have you ever been in the situation when you built everything on your development server, everything goes smooth, then going with your solution into the production you got to re-do much of your steps, piece by piece, custom field with custom field? Do you know the pain? Remember how you wrote down each step on certain big documents? Remember when you forgot to document the change from the very beginning, and you got it wrong? Remember the mistakes you have made? Remember the look on your customer's face? Do you remember their questions? "How can it be - it's just a deployment? Why is taking it so long? Will I be able to use my production Jira on Monday?"

Well, now you're saved, because there's KIWI to help!

KIWI is a Jira workflow implementation deployment tool and it addresses initial configuration as well as subsequent deployments, on staging or production environments.

It delivers issue statuses, custom fields, workflows, associated screens, SIL scripts and configurations on your target system, having the ability to map custom fields, change the scripts, SIL aliases and configuration so no change is needed on the deployment machine: your implementation will be ready to go with just a few clicks!

Note: some of you might know KIWI by its former name: Sunda2Sahul (

The old documentation (for version 3.0) can be downloaded from here.