Date Expression Compare Precondition

This is the JSU for Jira Cloud documentation. If you are using JSU on Jira Server or Data Center, see our JSU Server/Data Center documentation.


The ‘Date Expression Compare’ precondition compares the value of a date field with a date expression. For example, the date field must be more recent than the actual date.


You must select the date field, the comparison condition, the date expression, and whether to include the time part for comparison.

Example configuration for the Date Expression Compare precondition as described on this page.


A workflow is configured so that the 'Resolve' transition has the 'Date Expression Compare' check where 'Due Date' > '1w 1d'. If the transition is executed, and the due date is more than a week and five days away, the time left at resolution will be set to "> 1w".

Supported field types