Date Compare Precondition

This is the JSU for Jira Cloud documentation. If you are using JSU on Jira Server or on Jira Data Center, see our JSU Server/Data Center documentation.


The 'Date Compare' precondition compares the values of two date fields on the issue. For example, one field must be greater than the other.


You must select the two date fields and the comparison function for the check, when configuring the transition. For example:

Date Compare precondition where the Resolved date is greater than the Due Date.


A workflow is configured so that the 'Resolve' transition has the 'Date Compare' check where 'Resolved Date' > 'Due Date'. If a user attempts to resolve an issue on this workflow where the 'Resolved Date' is after the 'Due Date', the check will succeed, and a comment will be created about the lateness of the resolution.

Supported Field Types