Release Notes 2022-2024
Note: Only public-availability releases are listed below.
Important Legacy Workflows deprecation notice from Slack
Slack has announced the deprecation of Legacy Workflows, and has decided not to provide a method for apps to continue providing workflow steps. If you are using any Workflow Steps from Jira Integration+, you will no longer be able to create new workflows after June 24th 2024, and no longer be able to run these workflows after September 26th. Please reach out to Slack with any questions. Learn More.
2024 Releases
November 20th
Fixed issue where creating dedicated channels was not respecting default global settings.
Fixed issue where Slack oauth could hang when installing bot from the Account Portal.
November 7th
Live bi-directional thread syncing is now available between Integration+ and Jira!
Create escalation channels in Slack using newly supported Jira post functions.
Track changes to specified Jira labels using Slack channel notifications.
Bot messages can now trigger CLI commands.
CLI commands will now translate @mentions into Jira users.
October 11th
Fixed issue where the Slack connect empheral message was not getting delivered.
October 1st
Small bug fixes
September 25th
New onboarding experience for new users, including a revamped Slack app home wizard.
Personal Advanced Notification Settings have been added to Integration+ app home settings in Slack!
Fixed formatting for some comments captured via emoji.
Fixed a bug with Slack synchronized channels that prevented Priority from being added to the name when it was set as a variable.
September 12th
Jira Integration+ is now an Enterprise Ready Slack app! This means it can be installed Org-wide.
The Integration+ Jira app now has a Connected Workspaces page that will show you all of your connected Organizations and Workspaces, allow you to make changes and add additional.
Resolved an issue that prevented Discussion Channels from linking to the issue in Data Center environments.
Fixed an issue preventing users from turning Slack Discussion Channels back on after they were disabled.
Enterprise (Self-Hosted) customers can now use our marketplace Slack app
August 26th
Security fixes
August 20th
A custom message (including @ mentions) can now be added to channel notifications
Added field configuration support for message unfurl or self-hosted customers
Added a Slack workspace switcher to the account portal for self-hosted customers
Fixed a bug that would cause errors when custom fields contain extremely large amounts of data
Fixed a couple of bugs with CLI commands and attachment uploading
July 19th
Small bug fixes
July 8th
Added an optional Description field to Reports, which supports @mentioning users or groups when a report sends
Brand new, much more user-friendly onboarding process (which you are unlikely to need if you are reading these release notes.)
Fixed type-ahead search for the “Teams” field in Jira Data Center.
Fixed an issue so that the “Sprint” field in Slack messages will now be a link even if the Sprint is completed.
Fixed a bug that added broken attachments to Jira issues created using the message action in channels without the bot. (We are still unable to add these attachments to Jira due to Slack permissions, but now we are sending an error message and no longer adding a broken attachment.)
May 30th
Linked Issues are now displayed in the Issue Detail View modal the same way that we display Sub-tasks
Fixed a bug with URL formatting in issue summaries.
Fixed a bug that could send the same attachment to Jira twice in certain thread scenarios.
Fixed a bug that would result in failing to add an attachment to Jira in certain thread scenarios.
Fixed a couple of related Quick Create bugs that can prevent the creation of issues in some default field scenarios.
May 14th
Linked issues are displayed in the Issue View dialogue
[New Feature Release] Field configurations allow full field-level control of notifications, issue detail views, and more, globally, by project, and in channels and personal notifications - see the documentation here
Improvements to batched notifications
It is now possible to save workflows in Slack that involve Integration+
Updated channel welcome message when adding the bot to a channel for the first time
The Edit modal now displays the Story Points field
Adding time to an issue no longer results in an incorrect timestamp being applied to the ticket
Multiple users with identical display names will now have the username added to dropdown selectors for differentiation
May 3rd
Improvements to internal logging
Rebranding fixes
Updated help documentation links to use short links
February 29th
Using the CLI option to quick create no longer fails silently if there are default values for any of the Quick Create fields
The Slack message dialog now correctly loads when capturing information to an existing issue
Typeahead search now correctly works for the "Team" field on Datacenter installations
Unauthorized users can no longer review channel configurations using the
jira-plus configure
commandSeveral security fixes
Clicking reconnect on the account portal now correctly saves the new connection data
Discussion channels can now be configured by the channel creator whether or not they have global channel configuration access
Security fixes
2023 Releases
Security fixes
Enhancements to Slack Workflow Builder functionality
The “Create a Jira Issue” message action now works correctly in channels without the Integration+ bot
Dedicated Discussion Channel welcome message now updates correctly when the issue is modified
Enhanced multiline command support
Webhooks now correctly update when users edit or delete channels
Assignees and Watchers will now be notified when issues are moved to a new project
It is now possible to Auto-Archive Slack Discussion Channels when Jira Issues are resolved
Fixed an issue that prevented ticket expansions for Slack messages that include attachments
Improvements to
jira capture
command and use of the emoji to create Jira issuesImprovements to the way we handle Blocked Projects
Fixed some inconsistencies with the functionality
Fixes for the “Asset Objects” field
Fixed an issue that could cause scheduled reports to be sent at the wrong time
Various security fixes
Ecosystem Change: Integration+ billing has migrated to the Atlassian Marketplace.
Improved response time of various models
Corrected an error that would sometimes cause notifications not to be sent
Long (2000+ character) comments captured from Slack now render correctly in Jira
Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loop when trying to authorize with the bot
Implemented deduplication in the team selection settings of the home tab
Fixed an issue where Slack messages would sometimes be added to Jira issues with incorrect timestamps
Attachments are now correctly added to a ticket when using Quick Create
Footer messages for created issues can now be customized
There is now an Account Portal setting to disable attachment uploads from Slack
Custom footer enabled for issues created using Workflow Builder
An error caused during issue editing no longer replaces the edit modal
Time estimation fields now displayed in the issue creation modal
The "Sprint" field no longer displays on issues of type Sub-task
Custom JQL is now correctly reflected in the channel notifications modal
2022 Releases
Implemented support for Insight and Label Manager fields in Slack workflows
Improved error handling for failed steps in Slack Workflows
Jira Character limitations are now respected in all fields
Enabled notification for large attachments
Added the "Unassigned" option to the assignee dropdown
Updates to text formatting, including bold and italics and long hyperlinks
Required fields can now be set individually as defaults when configuring Quick Create
Report scheduling now succeeds even if the previous report failed
Date/Time and Date-Time pickers are now able to be used in Quick Create
Using the /jira-plus link command now respects the synching settings from the account portal
Threads can now be captured even if the authoring user has been deactivated
Report filtering now respects ordering by priority