Configuration overview

Configuration overview

This page explains how a Jira administrator can use the Clone Plus Configuration User Interface (UI) to help manage clone operation customizations. To view the Clone operations configuration page you can navigate to: 

  • Settings > Apps > CLONE PLUS FOR JIRA - Clone operations, or

  • Apps menu > Clone Plus for Jira click Configuration in the Get started page.

Clone operations

This page lists all the customized clone operations and allows you to create new clone operations to use while cloning issues in various projects. Clone operations allow you to control the behavior of cloning issues. They comprise a set of:

  • conditions that specify whether or not a clone operation is valid for the specific projects, issue types, and so on, and

  • properties that limit copying or excluding specific fields while cloning.

You have a default Clone Plus operation configured with the app. Use the toggle button in the Active column to make the respective clone operation active or inactive. Inactive clone operations are not displayed while cloning an issue.

When the user is cloning an issue and is already on the Create issue page, if you make the clone operation inactive that the user is using to clone, the issue will be cloned as this page is from Jira.

You can:

  • see the total count of clone operations on the top left

  • view a maximum of 10 clone operations per page

  • click the respective page number, or  or  to navigate to next or previous page respectively


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