March 2023 Release Notes 6.13.0

Our team is excited to announce the latest release of Clone Plus for Jira version 6.13.0.

This app is available from the Atlassian Marketplace.

Release Date: Mar 28, 2023


Project Conditioning for Bulk Clone

Previously, the project conditioning was only available for the single clone. With our latest version of of Clone Plus for Jira, the Jira administrator can now apply the project conditioning for the bulk clone.

The conditioning to include a project for bulk clone is 1.condition.<projectname>.*.*.* = true and the conditioning to restrict a project for bulk clone is 1.condition.<projectname>.*.*.* = false .

For example, 1.condition.ZCLONE.*.*.* = true or 1.condition.ZCLONE.*.*.* = false.

Once the Jira administrator has applied the project conditioning, your users can perform bulk clone only for issues from the project that is allowed for bulk clone. When users perform bulk cone, if there are any issues selected from the project that is not included for bulk cloning, a warning message is displayed.

For more details, refer to the Bulk Clone Issues in Specific Projects and Customization information pages.

New Qualifier for Conditioning

The new project category qualifier is added for conditioning. The Jira administrator can now apply this qualifier for the required project category.

The new conditioning is condition.project.issuetype.status.projectcategory.

For example, 1.condition.*.*.*.newcategory = true.

For more details, refer the Customization Information page.

Conditioning for Default Clone Operations

Previously, the conditioning was applicable only for the custom clone operations. With our latest version of Clone Plus for Jira, the conditioning is now applicable for both default and custom clone operations.

Below are the conditioning for default clone operations:

  • Clone+ - condition.project.issuetype.status.projectcategory

  • Clone ++ - plus.condition.project.issuetype.status.projectcategory

For more details, refer the Customization Information and Clone Properties pages.

This release is compatible with Jira Server/Data Center 8.0.0 or higher.

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