Impact for Jira

After careful consideration, Impact for Jira - Traceability Analysis will be retired and archived on the Atlassian Marketplace on March 13, 2023. Current customers and evaluators were informed of this change in December 12, 2022. To migrate to Reports and Timesheets for Jira, refer to how to migrate from Impact for Jira - Traceability Analysis. Please contact our support team if you have any questions.

Latest Update!

Please everyone update to version 1.5.8 - as the performance for directional searches has been seriously improved. Typical impact analysis generally consist of only inward (or only outward_links. Therefore, we developed an All Inward and a All Outward with optimized search capacity. 

For a behaviour as former versions, you may simply select All Inward + All Outward, which remains the same.

Impact for JIRA explained

Impact for JIRA helps you analyze your project issues and how they are bound together. As a reminder, issues can be linked together to create relations between them. These relations can be of different types:

  • Issues may relate to one another, such as two Tasks depending on each other

  • One issue may verify another one, such as a Test which can validate a Task, or a Requirement.

  • Issue may be linked together for structure purposes, such as Stories linked to an Epic.

  • Issue may block another one, for instance, a Bug may block the development of several Tasks

  • Issue may be linked together to show functional dependency

  • Issues may be duplicated

  • Issues may be inserted in a Confluence page ("mentioned in")

When the number of issues within a project is large, it becomes very useful to link them, allowing better analysis process (in Bug Review Meetings, in Sprint Plannings, etc.)

More can be read from Atlassian about Linking Issues

Traceability and Impact Analysis

Showing links between issues becomes quite useful for showing traceability analysis report. Typical uses include:

  • Functional dependency

  • Requirements - Tests traceability

  • Analyzing everything related to one issue, when a change to that feature is required (impact analysis)

  • Bugs report related to Tasks

  • Epic issue links display

  • See in which confluence pages the issue is inserted

Main Features

 Display a traceability tree view based on any JIRA issue link type

 Export to Excel or CSV for bridging with external tools or for creating traceability reports;

 Control analysis by your favourite filters or by entering a JQL query;

 Manage display options in regards with depth of analysis, types of issue links to display, issues with or without links;

 Calculate and display traceability metrics;

 Saving of analysis;

 Support of Epic Links and of "mentioned in" links and between issues and Confluence pages;


Current release


Minimum JIRA version required

JIRA 6.2


Export Formats




Table of contents