Signatures v1

Signatures v1

This page is about Canned Responses Pro Templates for Jira Cloud. Using Server or Data Center? Click here.

On this page, you’ll learn how to set up automatic, customizable signatures with templates. Using Canned Responses, you can:

  • Share a global signature for all users in all projects

  • Define per-project signatures that can be used by all users in a given project

  • Limit adding signatures to public replies to customers in Jira Service Management projects only

Users can also set up personal signatures that are defined by themselves.

Due to Jira Cloud limitations, signatures can’t be automatically applied on the transition screen.

How to Add Signatures


How to Add Signatures

1. On the Jira navigation bar, click Apps > Canned Responses. The Canned Responses app settings screen will appear.

2. Click Signatures.

3. Select the level you want to set the signature for (Personal, Project, or Global).

These settings influence which template (if any) will be selected as a signature. Check out the table below for the available options for each setting level:

Setting Levels




Setting Levels




Available options

  1. Use default signature (Inherit shared Project signature if any)

  2. Use personal signature (Override default signature - create custom for yourself)

  3. Disable signatures (Don't use any signatures)

  1. Use default signature
    (Inherit shared Global signature if any)

  2. Use project signature (Override default signature - create custom for this project)

  3. Disable signatures (Don't use any signatures in this project)

This type of signature template will be added to every comment by default.

  1. Use global signature (Checkbox)

In addition, in all setting levels, you restrict the signature to only "Reply to customer" in Jira Service Management. In that case, it will be used only in Jira Service Management projects and only if the comment is "Reply to customer".)

Examine the example below if you need more information on how the logic works:

Selecting a signature for a new comment by user Jane Doe from Acme Inc. in Project ABC:

4. Create a signature template.


  • Each user can set their personal piece of information which will be included in shared templates (global or per project).

  • Each organization can advise their members to provide specific information, e.g., – their first and last name, phone number etc.

  • If user will not provide their data – the variable will default to their Jira display name.


  • Each user can set their personal piece of information which will be included in shared templates (global or per project).

  • Each organization can advise their members to provide specific information, e.g., – their first and last name, phone number etc.

  • If user will not provide their data – the variable will default to their Jira display name.


  • Project admins can also provide project-specific information, like the support department name, dedicated phone number, etc.


  • A global signature can be used to store generic information, e.g., legal notes. Then it can be used as a part of personal and project signatures with a variable.

5. Save your signature.

Check out a signature example below:

If a user's personal shared data includes:

and the user’s shared project data includes:

and global signature is:

The resulting signature will be rendered as follows: