Published page order


Published content will maintain where possible the page hierarchy from the source space but the order of the published pages in the target space may be different from that in the source space.

  • published target space content will be ordered in the chronological sequence of the initial publishing actions (if no hierarchy changes have occurred in the source space)

  • subsequent publishing of a page (if no hierarchy changes have occurred in the source space) will update the target space page content but will not change the content order in the target space

When publishing content, the order of pages in the target space may need to be manually changed if a page is published with a change in the target space page order but with no change in the hierarchy.

Order of the published content

Although publishing maintains the page hierarchy from the source space if the immediate parent exists in the target space, the order of the published pages in the hierarchy may be different from that in the source space.

Initial publishing of content

If the source draft space has a page Parent with three child pages in the ordered in the hierarchy as Child One; Child Two; Child Three

But the publishing action occurs in the following order

  1. Parent

  2. Child Three

  3. Child One

  4. Child Two

This causes the target space published pages to be in the following order.

The source draft space content hierarchy is maintained. However, the child page order under this parent is based on the chronological sequence of the child pages published to the target space.

  • if you wish to maintain the order in the source draft space you need to manually reorder the published content in the target space

  • changing the order of the content in the target space (as long as the hierarchy is not changed) does not prevent the publishing of updates to the reordered content

What happens if you change the order of draft content that has been previously published?

If you change the order of a child page in the source draft space that has previously been published, subsequent publishing of the page will update the target space page content but will not change the content order in the target space.

For example, if your current source and target spaces have the following content, hierarchy and content order.

Source Space


Target Space


Source Space


Target Space


  • Parent

    • Child One

    • Child Two

    • Child Three

  • Parent

    • Child One

    • Child Two

    • Child Three

You then

  • edit the page Child Two

  • change Child Two order in the source space hierarchy

  • re-publish the Child Two page

Source Space

Draft - update

Target Space

Published - update

Source Space

Draft - update

Target Space

Published - update

  • Parent


      • Child Two (updated)

      • Child One

      • Child Three

  • Parent

    • Child One

    • Child Two (updated)

    • Child Three

Re-publishing Child Two does not change the order of this page in the target space.

If you wish to maintain the order from the source draft space you need to manually reorder the published page in the target space.

Moving a page and publishing status

When a page that has been published and synced, is moved with a change in the hierarchy:

  • moving the source space changes the publishing status is set to Out of Sync

  • moving the target space, the publishing status remains as Synced

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