Comala Share It Retirement

Comala Share It will be retired on 15 April 2024.

Release Notes



After careful consideration, Comala Share It (Data Center and Server) will be retired and archived on the Atlassian Marketplace on Apr 15, 2024. Current customers and evaluators were informed of this change on January 17, 2024. For alternative options see the Comala Share It app retirement page

Please contact our support team if you have any questions. 

Latest Release

Confluence 7.13.11+ 

4.0.1 Release Notes

v4.0.1 is compatible with Confluence 8

Comala Share It v4.0.0+ is Confluence Data Center compatible.


Confluence 7.13.11+ 

4.0.1 Release Notes

Confluence Data Center Compatibility

4.0.0 Release Notes

Confluence 7.1+

3.4.6 Release Notes

Confluence 6.07+

3.4 Release Notes

New to Comala Share It?

Find out what Comala Share It can do for you in our Getting Started Guide.

What’s new in 4.0.1

What's new in 4.0

What's new in 3.4

What's new in 3.3

What's new in 3.2

What's new in 3.1

What's new in 3.0