Create a migration using the Confluence migration assistant



  • backing up your server instance

  • setting up your migration cloud instance including installation of Comala Document Management for Cloud

  • updating to the latest Atlassian Migration Assistant

Then follow the Atlassian Migration Process.

Access the Cloud Migration Assistant

In Confluence server or data center global administration

  • scroll down the left-hand sidebar to Atlassian Cloud

  • select Migration Assistant

In the Migrations Assistant home you must

  • Assess your apps

Once you have undertaken the app assessment

  • choose Prepare your apps

Before undertaking a migration you should also

  • assess and prepare your users

  • review all email domains

App assessment

  • choose Assess your apps

  • use the dropdown for each app to assess the app for the migration

    • set Comala Document Management as Needed in cloud

    • if required download a CSV file of the app assessment and decisions

    • highlight the app in the assessment screen to display details of the migration compatibility

  • choose Done

Confirmation of app assessment and the next step to Prepare the apps is displayed in an on-screen message.

Prepare apps

In the Migration Assistant home, under Prepare apps

  • choose Begin preparing

The first step is to connect a Confluence Cloud site as the destination for the migration

  • connect to a cloud site

Admin is required for the site.

To connect, you need to

  • log in to the cloud site

  • add the base URL for your hosted Confluence instance

Once connected, the current installation status in the cloud site for selected apps to migrate is displayed.

Install any required apps.

  • choose Continue

In the Agree to app migration screen, check the agreement status

  • if required choose View policy

  • Confirm agreement

  • choose Done

An on-screen message confirms the completion of the app's preparation in cloud.

Create a migration

In the Migration Assistant home

  • choose MIgrate your data to open the Migrations dashboard

You can continue without reviewing the email domains but will be unable to undertake the migration until email domain security is checked and confirmed.

  • choose Create new migration

The Atlassian Confluence Migration Assistant steps you through the migration process including connecting to the destination cloud site.

  • choose Connect to cloud

  • add the following using the text boxes or the dropdown menus

    • Name your migration

    • Choose migration stage

    • Choose your destination cloud site (required)

You may also need to select the Choose Cloud site button to authenticate access.

  • select the Choose what to migrate button

Use the options to select what is included in the migration

  • choose at least one space to add to the migration in the displayed list of spaces

  • choose Add to Migration button

  • choose Select to add your Apps

The migration assistant confirms that Comala Document Management was checked as Needed in cloud and a migration path exists.

  • choose Add to Migration

After selecting what to migrate (including users and global templates), the assistant displays a summary of the migration options decisions.

  • choose Check for errors

Checks are run for the data including the following app checks.

If errors are listed, you can triage these now (for the app or other areas of migration check such as users, domains, spaces or system errors).

  • choose Continue and fix later to review a summary of the planned migration


  • Save to save the migration plan and amend it later

  • Back to update each option

  • View errors (if displayed) to rerun pre-migration checks and display outstanding errors

  • Run to undertake the migration (only available if there are no blocking errors)

After running a migration it is listed in the Migrations dashboard. The migration includes its current status, including migrations with an Incomplete or Failed migration status.

From Comala Document Management v6.18.7 for Server and v7.5.3 for data center these migrations do not need to be created again but can be re-run.

Re-running a failed or incomplete app migration

v8.16.7 v7.5.3

From Comala Document Management v6.18.7 for server and v7.5.3 for data center, if the app migration Fails or is Incomplete, an admin can re-run it from the cloud migration assistant.

A new migration plan does not need to be created.