Example - Create a checklist for a requirements review

Example - Create a checklist for a requirements review

Example 11 

A more sophisticated checklist used for a requirements list review.

Each of the evaluation criteria is defined as child of the page Animal Farm home page.

The values are stored into the actual checklist (by choosing the Store option as checklist in Edit macro box) and nothing is changed on the child pages.

We use the following in this example

  • list-excerpt macro for the Description column

  • list-select macro with only one value reviewsprint_1 as the Review Up to Date column

  • two list-wikiinput macros, for the columns Evidence Provided and Comments respectively. 

Adding the list macro to display the pages

Add the list macro to the page and set the parent page to Animal Farm. The list is filtered on the label reqs

This simply displays a list of the pages with the reqs label that are children of Animal Farm.

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Comala lists macros and example

Examples for each Comala Lists macro are listed here.

For details of each of the Comala Lists macros refer to the macro page in the User Guide:

Let's add columns to our requirement checklist by adding a number of lists macros to the body of this list macro.

Add a list column to display the excerpt from a linked page

Each page has a Confluence excerpt macro.

Insert the list excerpt macro to our Alpha Centauri Requirements List page to display any content from the excerpt macro on each page.

Remember, the macro is added to the body of the list macro. The column heading is named Description.

Add a check icon column for a review

Add a check icon column for the review state for the requirement item by inserting the list-select macro with only one value reviewsprint_1 as the Review Up to Date column

  • the column heading is added as Review Up to Date

  • the Storage Type should be checklist. The values for this list column will only be stored on the current page with the list. They are not added to each linked page in the list

The value(s) to be used for selection are added to the body of the list-select macro.

As the selection is a single value, the column displays a tick or cross icon instead of a drop-down menu.

The icons can be clicked to indicate whether the review is up to date.

Adding list columns for adding evidence and comments

The next two list columns are created by adding two list wikiiput macros to the body of the list macro.

We'll add each macro with a different list column name (Evidence Provided and Comments). In both macros set the Storage Type as checklist.

Remember, each macro is added to the body of the list macro.

Completed requirement list review

The complete example Requirements List  we have created can now be viewed on the page.

The values for the Evidence Provided and the Comments list columns can be edited without recourse to the Confluence page editor. The data entered in these columns is only stored with the list on this page and not with the linked page. The entered values can contain wiki markup.

The review can be set as complete or not yet completed by toggling the icons in the Review column.