Scaffolding app - Retrieve list-data via supplier reference



This example requires that you have the Scaffolding Forms and Templates app and the Reporting for Confluence app installed.

If the reporting app is not installed, the value retrieved is empty


First, complete the following Scaffolding app list-data tutorial: Using Confluence User Names as Options

The Supplier References to the three lists are as follows:

@data:Project Manager@ @data:Developers@ @data:Tech Writers@

The list names are case-sensitive, and must be typed exactly as defined in the Scaffolding data.

Sending emails to users defined in Scaffolding list-data

These references can be used in conjunction with the send-email macro, for example:

{workflow:name=List email} {state:Editing|submit=Review} {state} {state:Review} {state} {trigger:statechanged|state=Review} {send-email:user=@data:Project Manager@,@data:Developers@,@data:Tech Writers@|subject=Review started} Please review @pagelatest@ {send-email} {trigger} {workflow}

The Scaffolding data is always returned from the latest version of the content.