Add a workflow to all documents in a space (space workflow)

Add a workflow to all documents in a space (space workflow)


A Comala Document Management workflow template can be added across all documents in a space as a space workflow.


With a space workflow, you can manage different documents within the space using a consistent, structured review and approval process.

A space administrator can add and apply a space workflow using the app space settings.

Comala Document Management space settings screen

You can make a workflow active in the app space settings. This adds the active workflow to all documents in the space.

It is recommended that you add and apply a space workflow to centrally manage your documentation process across all documents in your space. Making a space workflow active overrides a page workflow added individually to a page or blog post, and the same workflow template is added to all the documents.

Accessing the document management space settings

Open the document management space settings by choosing

  • Space settings in the Confluence sidebar


  • App links

  • Comala Document Management

The document management space settings display the workflow templates included with the app.

When there is no active space workflow in the space, a space administrator can also open the app space settings and add a space workflow using the options on a page:

To use the on-page options

  • any added page workflow must be removed from the page using the page tools menu option

  • any existing active space workflows must be deactivated in the app space settings

A workflow cannot be added to a space homepage. This is because Confluence Cloud does not allow certain properties, such as the workflow content byline, to be added to the homepage.

Applying a space workflow

The space administrator permission can make a workflow active in the app space settings.

Open the app space settings by choosing

  • Space settings>App links>Comala Document Management

In the app space settings, the current workflows listed are available to add and apply to your documents.

You can make a workflow active in the space by moving the grey slider for the workflow to the right. The slider turns blue when the workflow is active.

This active space workflow is added and applied to all documents in the current space.

The space workflow overrides any previously applied page workflows. You can also initialize the applied workflow's state on all the documents.

The space administrator can also choose to enable the Remove Restrictions setting for the space. This removes the page-level view and edit restrictions on a document on the workflow transition to its final state.

Add a space workflow using the page workflow byline breadcrumb

Only available on a page when there is no added page workflow on the page or active space workflow.

On a page or blog post

  • choose the Add Workflow byline breadcrumb in the content sub-title

  • select Add Workflow to this Space

This opens the app space settings.

To make a workflow active and add it to all the documents in the space, move the grey slider next to the workflow name to the right. The slider is blue when the workflow is active.

The space workflow overrides any previously applied page workflows. You can initialize the applied workflow's state for the documents.

Add a space workflow using the page tools menu option

On a page

In the Add workflow dialog box

  • select the right-hand option

  • choose Next to open the space document management dashboard

To make a workflow active in the dashboard and add it to all the documents in the space, move the grey slider next to the workflow name to the right. The slider is blue when the workflow is active.

The space workflow overrides any previously applied page workflows. You can initialize the applied workflow's state for the documents.

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