User Guide - 1.0

This guide refers to functionality in the 1.0 release of the Announcer add-on.


To add a new announcement, click the Cog menu  and choose Add-ons. In the left sidebar, click Announcer.

Administration Overview page

On the administration overview page, you can view the active notifications for users logging in. 

From this page, you can:

  • Click Preview () to preview an existing notification.
  • Click Edit (  ) to edit an existing notification.
  • Click Delete () to delete an existing notification.
  • Click Add another announcement to add a new announcement.

Creating or editing an announcement

When you create or edit an announcement, the Notification editor window will appear.


Supply the following details:

TitleThis is both the title of the notification in the ui and presented to the end user in the Titlebar of the browser window
DescriptionThis is in an internal description of the announcement and is not displayed to the end user.
ContentsThis is the body of the announcement. Please use html tags to format the contents.


Then, click Preview to preview your notification, Save to save the notification and put it into effect, or Cancel to discard your changes.

URLs that are not affected

The Announcer plugin will intercept all page requests with the exception of the below paths:

/rest/*AllREST URLs are not blocked
/plugins/servlet/upmAllThe Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) is not blocked







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