Rest services

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This documentation provides detailed information on the public REST services available in the Assets & Inventory Plugin for Jira. It includes descriptions of the various services and examples of how to interact with them using curl commands.

Available REST services

AIP supports a variety of REST services to manage assets throughout their lifecycle. Below is a list of available REST services:

Example REST service calls

Below is an example of how to use curl to interact with the AIP’s REST services. Replace with your Jira instance's URL and adjust the endpoint and methods as necessary.

curl -D- -u user:password -X [GET|POST|PUT|DELETE] -H "Content-Type: application/json"[attribute|form|inventory][|/id|/list|/filter].json

Alternatively, you can call REST services with another method with a request header Authorization Basic Base64Encoded(user:password). For example, Authorization Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=.