PPM - Using Program Predictability Measure report

PPM - Using Program Predictability Measure report



Once you add the gadget to your dashboard and configure it, you can get the following information:

  • Business value that an Agile Release Train (ART) committed to deliver for each Program Increment (PI)
  • Delivered business value for each PI
  • Delivery rate for each PI
  • Insights and warnings on the possible wrong configuration to ensure all data is captured and is accurate.

Reading the chart

The following example shows that the team delivered only around 25% for the for 2018 Q2 PI objectives. Starting 2018 Q3 it looks like the lessons were learnt, and the team's delivery rate became much better. This shows a positive tendency not only in the team's better commitments but possibly also in better planning.

Selecting data to display on the chart

You can customize your report view by showing and hiding the data depending on your current focus. Click the elements in the chart legend to hide the respective information on the chart. To display hidden data again, click its name in the legend.


For you to have a quick look at the committed and delivered business value for each particular PI, hover over that point on the chart.
The tooltip will show the details.

Exporting report data

You can export the statistics and the program details data into the XLS file by clicking the Export button.

Program Predictability Measure details in tabs

Working with the report details, you might want to have more insights in addition to chart view. For this purpose we provide detailed information, insights, and warnings in a table view below the chart.

There are the following tabs with the report insights:

Summary tab

Here you can view information about committed and delivered work, percentage of delivered Business Value, and warnings in case there is a chance that some data is missing or improperly configured.

This statistics can help you plan future releases. For example you can use Total BV committed and Total BV delivered as the value for the ideal team velocity and plan releases taking this into account.

WarningIn case the ART's progress is below the acceptable norm you gat an instant indication of that not only in the chart but also in the tabs.
Projects includedAgile Release Train can combine several projects, and this is convenient to see how many projects are included in your ART.
Total BV committed 

Total planned Business Value for all data on the report.
This is also equal to a sum of all planned BV in the PIs tab. 

Total BV delivered 

Total delivered Business Value for all data on the report.

If a certain feature was planned in several PIs but got delivered in the last one, only this last PI will count the BV for this feature.

Note that the tickets must be marked as done to be counted in the report.

Lower point

Point where a delivered Business Value percentage is still considered to be within the norm. The default is 80%.

% of BV delivered

Total BV delivered / total BV committed

Total features
Amount of tickets examined for the report, even not delivered ones.

PIs tab

The PIs tab contains details on the program increments that are included in the report. Here you can see the delivery rate dynamics across your PI objectives.

Warnings tab

Warnings are generated to help you identify cases when chart's data might show not the actual picture or when there are issues in how your tickets are configured.

For instance, you will get warnings for the following cases:

  • Feature wasn't marked as Done thus this is a question whether someone forgot to move the ticket to the correct status or maybe this is expected because it was planned but never delivered.
  • Features that don't have Business Value indicated (BV field is empty) 
  • Any of the children of the Feature are tagged to a different PI. 
  • And so on.

For you to have a meaningful data on the report, we recommend that you check the Warnings tab from time to time and triage tickets from there. The tickets shown in the Warnings tab are not included into the chart calculations, and thus in order to see the accurate picture on the chart, you might want to triage those tickets first.

See also

PPM - Configuring Program Predictability Measure report

Metrics in SAFe

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